Please Me adult game
Please Me adult game. Please Me adult game to discover sexual options that you may not have considered before.
Please Me adult game multi lingual
This Please Me game allows you to discover sexual options that you may not have considered before. ‘Taking the lead’ or ‘being subjected’: which one do you prefer? The attributes included in this game, such as a mask, bondage rope, and gentle (adjustable) nipple clamps, will indulge your senses in a playful and imaginative way. In addition, the game contains six task booklets in ten languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Italian, Swedish and Norwegian.
You never know what will happen next with this surprising game of power and powerlessness. Do you enjoy pulling the strings, or do you prefer to be tied up? Have you ever experienced how (nipple) clamps can trigger (painfully) pleasant sensations in many places on your body? What do your partner’s gentle or teasingly painful touches feel when you can’t see a thing because you’re wearing a mask?
Take a chance and be surprised by the various tasks that direct you to alternate between ‘undergoing’ or ‘performing’. Your senses are sure to be heightened to the max.
– Sexy gift
– Endless possibilities of fantasy
– Soft bondage ribbon
– Silicone handcuffs
– Feather duster
– 6 Task books
It is aimed at two romantic partners and offers lots of fun and infinite fantasy possibilities.
Adults games are part of this spice that we add to a couple’s sex life: an anti-routine remedy in a way.
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