
First the desensitizer is very useful for ejaculation delayers for the penis designed to help men make love longer and more intensely. Then it’s the ideal companion to boost intercourse time, so you don’t have to hold back.

It is used on the brake of the penis and desensitizes it for a shorter or longer period, depending on the amount of benzocaine or lidocaine it contains. These two products desensitizers are local anaesthetics for penis which are available in controlled quantities in various brands such as Stud 100and Colt or even Time Lag.

To use the product correctly, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, but you’ll probably need to gauge how much you need by trying it out by mistake. As each man is different, either due to the thickness of the dermis on the penis or simply your level of sensitivity.

The desensitizer will also be used in a certain anal lubricant to numb the entrance to the rectum during sodomy. This type of lubricant with desensitizer is also used with the anal vibrator and prostate stimulator.

Finally, there is also a wide range of desensitizers in a variety of flavors, such as Goodheads and Croq Monsieur for fellatio. In fact, it helps relieve your gag reflex during oral sex.
All the products sold at La Clé du Plaisir are controlled by Health and Wellness Canada, so you can be sure of their quality.

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